Portfolio & Personal Website

This Website! A place were I present my past and current projects.

This Website!

This website was created to present my past and current projects on a more detailed level than a simple GitHub profile.
The site is built with Next.js, which I wanted to use in one of my own projects for some time now, and Typescript. Thanks to Next.js, this website is completely statically generated (static site generation - SSG), which allows even clients without JavaScript to access it. This is also great for search engine optimization (SEO), since crawlers can see the content of the site in the HTML code without needing to execute JavaScript. Meanwhile, Next.js allows the site to behave like a single page web application when JavaScript is enabled. Subpages preload, and navigating the website never requires a full-page refresh.

User Interface

To avoid spending lots of time on the general typography, color scheme and other design processes, I based the site on Mantine. Mantine is an open-source React components library, which I was also looking forward to using in one of my projects. It helped me develop the site quickly and with a consistent style.
Mantine also uses Emotion, which was also new for me. Emotion is a library that allows writing CSS styles with JavaScript. Mantine provides a theme object, which contains different style variables that were used in my own CSS written with Emotion.


I'm still working on and improving different aspects of the website. This includes: improving the project detail pages content, animations, better open-graph images and potentially a more detailed projects list / page.

Under Construction

This page is still under construction.

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© 2023 Alexander Liebald