Newton Runner

A gamified online teaching approach for the basics of movement by graphs. Contains incremental learning sessions, quizzes that test the knowledge and a platformer game powered by Phaser to internalize the contents of each session.

Newton Runner

As Part of the bachelor practical course "Designing IT-based Learning" at the Technical University of Munich, our group decided to design a web-based learning game for physics lessons. The goal of this game was to teach the basics of movement, with a focus on time-place and time-velocity-diagrams.
The game consists of two chapters (as well as a small bonus level) and three central elements: Theory, Quizzes and Quests. Each level begins with a theory explaining the relevant knowledge for the level and a short quiz to verify that the knowledge was understood. After that, the player can consolidate their knowledge in multiple quests as well as an additional quiz. The goal of those two levels is to introduce the player intuitively to the basics of movement and how different types of diagrams model it.
As a central element in our games, the quests allow the player to navigate a jump 'n' run like game, using the before mentioned diagram types to control their player.
At the end of this course, we then evaluated this game with different school classes in multiple lessons and wrote an evaluation based on the data and feedback we collected.
The Game can be found at Please note that logging in or sending any feedback wont work since the backend has stopped.


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© 2023 Alexander Liebald