Common Steam Games

A web application that enables groups of users to discover common games regarding their steam accounts and vote on games to find common preferences.

Discovering and Voting on Games

Common Steam Games is a web application that enables groups of users to discover common games regarding their steam accounts and vote on games to find common preferences. Users can create sessions and invite others to join their session.

Use Case

Ever played with a group of friends and could not decide on what to play? Then Common Steam Games is for you!
Create a session, invite your friends and instantly see your common games. Sort your preferences using easy to use drag n drop and see the group preferences adopt. Find old classics or games you did not know all of you had in common.


The frontend of Common Steam Games was build using TypeScript with React. To allow multiple users joining a single session, a simple Express server with Socket.IO was set up. The server communicates with the Steam API
The styling was donne from scratch using plain css, without any kind of components or styling library.


  • Live sessions with your peers
  • Preference matching
  • Games search & drag and drop
  • Steam games & friendslist integration
  • Custom games for your favorite common, non-steam games
  • ...


I am not associated with the steam accounts shown in the gallery. They were chosen randomly from publicly visible steam accounts and only serve to show the functionality of Common Steam Games.

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© 2023 Alexander Liebald